Fall Executive Meeting 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008Cottage of Marlene Pollard
Call to Order: 10.00 am, Executive members present:
David Golem, Carolyn Dobson, Glenda Opsahl, Judy Platt, Marlene Pollard,
Rick Burke, Steve Churchill, Gary Goodfellow
Schedule of Events
- 2009 Spring executive meeting – Sunday, May 3 at the cottage of Steve Churchill or Carolyn Dobson, to be advised
- Regatta – Saturday, July 11, 2009 with a rain date of Saturday, July 18
- Annual membership meeting – Sunday, August 2, 2009
- Walk/Run event – Saturday, August 15, 2009
- Water Front Concert - Sunday, August 16, 2009
- 2009 Fall executive meeting – Sunday, September 13, 2009
Executive Positions to Expire
- President
- Membership
- Emails to be sent to all executive to confirm addresses for government corporation documents
Lake Stewardship
- Anyone who is planning on traveling to Peterborough during weekday hours, please inform Rick so that water samples (for phosphorous) can be collected
- Announcement to be put in the newsletter to reinforce the necessity of having septic systems inspected
- Dave will write a letter regarding the mandatory inspection of septic systemscoming in a couple of years
- Discussion with Crowe Valley authorities regarding beaver dams on various creeks affecting outflow, they did not make arrangements to review
- Rick met with Wollaston Lake representatives to discuss comparable issues with our lakes. They were: septic inspection, back lot development, loon watching
- Suggest adding information about the loon watch programme, remind people that it still exists and is important to track the bird life on the lake
- T-shirt inventory needs to be added in the spreadsheet, approximately $300
- Fun run income and music CD sales need to be added also, thanks to the band for playing on the Sunday and donating the revenue from the sales of CDs.
- Expense of fall water testing need to be included
- There are no red flags, we are in a good position
T-Shirt Fundraising
- 37 t-shirts left, add this to the newsletter
- Add an order form in the newsletter for a long sleeve version, pricing to be obtained from Dean
- Dean Butler will now handle the orders directly
- Pricing for short sleeve remains the same, $20 each, 3/$50, 4 or more $15 each
- Sales have been good with the sliding scale of pricing\
Website Utilization
- Susan to be contacted regarding the format that she would like the video of the fun run in order to put it on the website
- Comments on the site, how to make it more user friendly, search friendly
- Consideration to be made on adding an executive position for the website if we want to raise the level of importance
- Rick is to contact a neighbour who is technically knowledgeable about websites, webcam, high speed internet
- Marlene to contact Susan regarding elevating the content and becoming a part of the executive, if she isn’t interested, Rick to approach his neighbour
- Need to obtain information about adding a video cam to our website
- Further discussion needed on an initiative that could be undertaken by the Steenburg Lake association to fund an internet tower for the membership
- Rick to also consult with his contact regarding price of internet towers, further discussion to take place at the spring executive meeting
Federal Election
- no action to be taken on the behalf of the Steenburg Lake membership
New Business
- Executive needs to focus on how to raise the spirit of community amongst our lake members
- Suggestion made that we participate in a baseball game with another lake, referees to be the fire department with the goal of all funds raised going to the fire department.
- An event like this would create a team spirit amongst the members while having games for kids, selling food for the fundraising
- Consideration needs to be made that we don’t remove focus from the events already scheduled and work on developing the spirit at these functions first before adding more and reaching out to other lakes
- 2009 annual meeting will now include a barbeque after the business portion
- To get parents with kids out to the meeting, it is imperative that they are advised that child supervision will be provided, with games organized while the meeting is in progress
- Reinforce that these events are to build the sense of community and spirit people would like to see on the lake
- Put in fall newsletter to start advising people now
- Discussion to continue at the spring executive meeting, flesh out details at that time
Donation to Fire Dept.
- A motion was put forward to support our volunteer fire department with a donation
- Donation to go towards the purchase of a new hose nozzle
- Motion – Steenburg Lake association will donate $500 towards the purchase of the nozzle, to the Limerick Fire Dept
- 1st – Marlene, 2nd by Gary, passed
Crowe Valley Issues
- Tim Piddick and Dave are to walk through McGeachies Conservation area to discuss the request to MNR to build walking trails
- Inquire to the MNR if there is still a Junior Ranger programme, in which students participate in activities such as creating these trails
- Dave to look into this opportunity
Meeting adjourned at 11:10