Fall Executive Meeting 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009Cottage of Steve Churchill
Call to order: 10:20 am,
Steve Churchill, Marlene Pollard, Anthony Genovese, Marlene Pollard, Rick Burke, Carolyn Dobson, Judy Platt
Motion to accept minutes - 1ST: Rick Burke 2nd: Marlene Pollard
Events for 2010 season
- Regatta will be Saturday, July 10, 2010 with a rain date of Sunday, July 11, 2010
- Fun Run will be Saturday, August 14, 2010
- Need to add the ability to sign up for events on the website
- Steve will look into new signs that are interchangeable, allowing change of dates easily, cost is covered by the budget
- A change in date for the road clean-up, try it the Sunday after the regatta to see if this increases turnout - time to be determined
- “Have a Dock Jamboree” - change the time to the evening; now 7pm on Saturday, August 14, 2010
- Anthony’s movie night to be Saturday, July 31, 2010, with a rain date of Sunday, August 1, time to be advised (dusk)
- AGM will be Sunday, August 1, 2010 with barbeque lunch right after the meeting
- Investigate having a speaker for the AGM, Steve will handle this, but any suggestions are welcome
- Consider having some-one do testing for the required boat license at the AGM
Executive Positions to expire
- Secretary, Judy will continue if no-one else is interested
- Lake Steward
- Municipal
- Treasurer, Glenda will continue if no-one else is interested
- 203 cottages on the lake, we have 152 memberships, down from the previous year
- Need to look at methods to sort members from the non-members on lists and website, have a members only forum, or other ways of providing membership benefits
- In April, an email is to be sent to members to remind them of fee payment, and encourage them to do it on-line
- Consider a letter to new members to welcome them to the lake and advise them of all the activities that are taking place, encourage involvement
- Steenburg Lake Association continues to be in good financial position with approximately $2500 profit for 2009
- The addition of a new position of Vice President requires a change in signatory requirements, need to add Anthony so changeover in the future is easily managed
- Now require two signatures for the purchase of GICs
- Glenda will turn over current GICs to another 2 year certificate
T-Shirt Programme
- Dean now handles all the money deposits, he provides an inventory list to Glenda for the
- New items should be considered, hooded t-shirts, light jackets
- 3500 hits coming at all times of day throughout the summer
- Suggest a couple of email blasts to the membership with reminders of fees and events, but we don’t want to send so many that we end up on spam lists
- Anthony is correcting email addresses as they are rejected, normally just spelling errors
- The web cam will be set up at Marlene’s for the winter
- Need to add the directors to the newsletter; they were missing from the last one.
- Everything needs to be to Dave by October 3, 2009
- Pictures and complete list of winners will be added to the website, some pictures to be sent to Dave for the newsletter, everything else that is required on the website to be sent to Anthony
McGeachie Conservation
- 20K to 30K of trails may be available for clearing, volunteers will be needed to go through and do a rough clean-up of trees and bush
- suggest that a funding plan be put in place to build a reserve for maintenance
- Junior ranger programme is no longer an option
- Naturalists need to be on site as soon as possible in order to document anything of scientific value
Internet Towers
- Brad Hoard has good pricing, could be a good alternative as an internet provider
- He would be willing to put up towers
- The association would need to obtain the perspective of the townships before proceeding
- Futures Canada provides funding, investigation should be made into the possibility for the internet project, Steve will contact the government for more information
Meeting adjourned: 11:50am