Steenburg Lake Community Association

Annual General Meeting 2010

Sunday August 1, 2010

Call to Order:  10:10 am, 37 cottages represented.  Quorum established
            Motion to accept minutes from 2009 annual meeting – 1st Fred Codie, 2nd Sandra Dafoe
            -no business arising from the minutes


 President:  Steve Churchill    

-welcome to the membership attending meeting

-presentation of two major issues that the association must focus on over the next few years, maintaining a united front on development on the lake and the threat of zebra mussels

-SLCA needs to stay close to the realtor regarding potential purchasers and their understanding of the limits of development allowed on the lake

-issues found in the lake capacity study done approximately 20 years ago need to be reviewed       

-introduction of speaker

 Guest Speaker:  Linda Sheppard, Limerick Waterways Ratepayers Association

-detailed experience of development on Limerick Lake and the ongoing association with OMB (Ontario Municipal Board)

            -the process has been ongoing for 25 years and has involved two different developers

            -Hastings County involvement was to continue to approve all proposals by the developers

            -a positive gain was the disallowance of 30 lots close to the shoreline due to septic systems

-developers reapplied to have the 30 lots returned to the proposal as there were new technologies in septic disposal

-development was delayed to allow more time for technical studies proving the viability of the new septic systems proposed; the balance of the project could proceed

-an association needs to be prepared to commit extensive amounts of volunteer time and financial resources to proceed though a long fight including the OMB

-to date, the LWRA has spent approximately $70K to provide defense of their position

-the association created a committee to oversee the property owners maintenance of septic systems, in order to ensure their own house was “in order” as they proceeded through the fight

-communication was key to keeping members informed of the progress of the dispute

 Treasurer:  Glenda Opsahl 

            -financial statement reviewed for the fiscal year of Sept 1 to Aug 31, 11 mos. ytd.

-$19,300 in cash & GICs which includes $12,000 as a reserve for future expenditures

-dues are still being collected but most expenses have already been incurred so we are in a deficit     position.  Once all are collected a small deficit is expected for this year.

- small increases in expenses for newsletters and member handouts due to efforts to increase communication

-investment was made in two new signs to help increase awareness of the many activities on the lake

-another additional expense of two new webcams on the lake

 Membership:  Marlene Pollard   

            -115 cottages are paid up with more to come in from canvassers

            -thanks to all the canvassers for their hard work at collecting the fees

            -14 cottages used pay pal to pay up their memberships

-4 members received their 50 year membership certificate; Boyce, Hill, McLaughlin, Zylka and Prowse families

Social:  Carolyn Dobson   10:30

            -thank-you to membership for participating in all the various events

            -thanks to the social committee for helping at all the events to make them a success

-everyone should use these events to bring out neighbours, especially new members, to participate in activities they might not normally have in the past

-thanks also goes to Dean Butler for his t-shirt programme, such a wide variety of styles to choose from now

Municipal Affairs:  Dave Golem

            -both Reeves are open positions in the fall elections

-Tudor/Cashel township has 3 openings for councilors      

-lake representation could be crucial for support on our issues and a position is not a full time job

            -McGeachie Trails are almost complete with signage, 8 – 9 km are open

 Lake Stewardship:  Rick Burke

-water testing found the results to be very good, possibly because they were done later in the season

            -Clarity – 4.8

            -6.4 micrograms/litre phosphorus

New Business: 

            Election of Officers 

-Lake Stewardship director position is vacant

-Dave Langman nominated by Sharon Langman and 2nd by Pat Simmons

High speed internet – Anthony Genovese

-Brad Hoard was ready to go with installation of towers however there was a strong rumour that Bell or Rogers was going to set up along hwy 62

-a clearing appears to be in the works just south of Jordon Lake

-the video cams are not trying to show anyone’s property, they are aimed to maximize privacy

-if anyone has comments on internet or video cams, they are to contact Anthony directly

Zebra Mussels

-new owner of the marina property has a power washer and all boats being launched in the lake will be sprayed

-mussel larvae have been located in front of Dave Golem’s property

-once mussels take hold, there is no reversing their progression throughout the lake, possibly by the four year mark before plateau

 Light Filter

-to minimize light pollution on the lake, a good and inexpensive solution is a cone (available at Canadian Tire) and actual duck tape, to place over the bulb to send light downward

-picture of light shield is available in the newsletter

 Motion to Adjourn: 

-11:20 am,  1st - Heather Lloyd,  2nd - Ken Waddell