Steenburg Lake Community Association

Annual Meeting Minutes 2006


Call to Order: 10:03 a.m. 29 cottages represented-quorum established.

Guest Speaker: 10:05 a.m. OPP officer- Sgt. Wayne Galloway

Sgt. Galloway addressed members regarding ATV and marine legislation.

Approval of last year AGM minutes: 10:21 a.m.-Motion to accept- Bruce George
Seconder- Bob Henderson-Passed.


President: Dave Golem: 10:24 a.m.
-welcomed new members to the lake
-water testing regarding zebra mussel larvae
-assessment and tax increases
-reminders of observing environmental laws to preserve lake

Treasurer: Glenda Opsahl: 10:37 a.m.-Motion to accept-Ken Waddell
Seconder- Ron Pollard-Passed.

Secretary/Newsletter: Barb Lavallee and Kim Kerr: 10:40
Reminder of cut off date for Fall Newsletter being October 1st

Membership: Marlene Pollard:10:42 a.m.
-89 paid to date, more to come
-thanked canvassers

Social: Steve Brown: 10:44 a.m.
-reported excellent turnout for regatta

Municipal: Gary Goodfellow: 10:46 a.m.-absent

Lake Stewardship: Rick Burke: 10:46 a.m.
-results for lake water testing
-rock marker protocol
-rock bass derby-Winner: Connor Newbury

Elections: 10:50 a.m.
- President: Nomination for Dave Golem. Nomination accepted by Dave Golem. Motioned by Irene Horn, seconded by Ian Fraser. Passed.
- Membership: Nomination for Marlene Pollard. Nomination accepted by Marlene Pollard. Motioned by Ron Rampton, seconded by Lynn Russo. Passed.
- Social: Nomination for Caroline Dobson. Nomination accepted by Caroline Dobson. Motioned by Steve Brown, seconded by Kevin Lavallee. Passed.

Old Business: 10:54 a.m.
-Liquid Waste Disposal in Center Hastings to complete expansion of existing facility by the end of 2007.
-North Hastings Family Health Team update- still seeking 2 M.D.’s

New Business: 11:02 a.m.
- LWRA vs. Trident Developments- reviewed progress to date.
-ruling set for October 2006 regarding development of 27 lots on St. Ola Lake.
-discussed the concern regarding that the 98 acre parcel of land on the south side of Steenburg Lake is owned by an individual with the same surname as the people in the Trident Corporation.
- G.I.C.’s-motion put forth by Bob Henderson- We retain $12,000.00 as a reserve against future contingency. Interest on $12,000.00 will be used as operating funds.
Seconder- Dean Butler- Passed
-Vice President position-Motion to amend by-laws to create new Vice-President position. By-law to be clearly worded that the vice-president will be expected to move to the President’s position when it’s vacated. Motioned by Ian Fraser, seconded by Ron Rampton. Passed. Leanne Forsythe nominated Steve Churchill for Vice-President, nomination accepted by Steve Churchill. Seconded by Irene Horn. Passed.
-T-shirts-discussed selling Steenburg Lake t-shirts as a fundraising endeavour. Dean Butler volunteered his services. To be discussed further at fall meeting.
-Excessive noise and possible noise by-law discussed. Reviewed protocol re: call police. Education re: noise reducing ploys and vehicle safety on cottage roads to be addressed in fall newsletter.
-Cottage Dreams-charity initiative for the Canadian Cancer Foundation presented by Cathy Henderson.

Comments, Suggestions and Complaints: 11:41 a.m.
- Thanks to Steve Brown for his exemplary service.
- Dave Langman suggests changing exemption of SLCA fees for members with greater than 50 year membership. Motion put forth by Ken Waddell, seconded by Janet George. Passed. Members suggested honorary plaque in lieu of fee exemption.

Adjournment: 12:00 p.m.